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2023-2024 Class Schedule

3rd Hour Theatre 1

Theatre 1 is a comprehensive introduction to theatre.

The class includes work with performance, learning theatre terminology, and theatre history. Students will be expected to perform in class but will not be required to perform outside of class.

Google Classroom Page: CLICK HERE

Google Classroom code: 640rhbm

4th Hour Theatre Technology II, II and Advanced Studies

Theatre Technology II-IV are responsible for building and designing the shows throughout the season. They also are expected to help with various technical needs for various events in the theatre throughout the school year.

Theatre Technology Google Classroom Page: CLICK HERE

Theatre Technology Google Classroom Code: p1y9h73

5th Hour Advanced Theatre

Theatre II-IV focuses on improving theatrical skills and digging deeper into theatrical production. The class works together to create performances.

Google Classroom Page: CLICK HERE

Google Classroom code: hqpbt1

6th Hour Theatre Technology 1

January 01, 2020

​Theatre Technology 1 is an introductory class that covers the major areas of theatre technology as a part of the CTE program. Students get a combination of hands on work, digital projects and lectures.

Google Classroom Code  ctp5a1j

7th and 8th Hour Film Studies

Film Studies looks at changes in film over time. From the earlier moving pictures to modern day movies, the class is a wide survey that looks at movies.


Google Classroom Page CLICK HERE

Google Classroom code 7th Hour: 28awfr

Google Classroom code 8th Hour: xwta6l

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